Is getting your sexy back making you stink? Whether you’re hitting the gym, punching the bag, or training for roller derby, the things that are good for your body can wreak havoc on your workout clothes! Keep reading to learn how to not only look good – but smell good, too.

Stinky Gym Clothes

After a heart-pumping workout, it’s all too common to find your gym clothes a little less than fresh. Sweat and bacteria can seep into the fibers of your workout gear, causing an unpleasant odor that can be tough to eliminate. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips to help you get the stink out of those workout clothes!

  1. Pre-soak in Vinegar: Before washing, soak your workout clothes in a mixture of cold water and white vinegar for about 15-30 minutes. This helps to break down the oils and bacteria that cause bad odors.
  2. Wash Immediately: The longer you let your sweaty clothes sit, the more difficult it will be to remove the smell. If possible, wash them immediately after your workout.
  3. Avoid Fabric Softeners: Fabric softeners can actually lock in odors by coating the fabric’s fibers. Instead, opt for sports-specific laundry detergents designed to eliminate odor. Or better yet, choose an all natural option – like the DriFold solution, wool dryer balls!
  4. Air Dry: Whenever possible, air dry your workout clothes. The high heat of the dryer can set in odors and damage the elastic fibers in your workout gear.
  5. Sunshine is a Natural Deodorizer: If you have the option, dry your clothes in the sun. Sunlight has natural sanitizing properties and can help to kill bacteria and remove odors.
  6. Use a Laundry Service: If you’re still struggling with smelly workout clothes, consider using a laundry service. Services like Drifold Laundry Service can handle your workout gear with care, ensuring they’re thoroughly cleaned and smell fresh.

Working out is hard work, but cleaning your workout clothes doesn’t have to be! With these tips, you can keep your gym gear smelling fresh and ready for your next session. If you need any help, feel free to reach us at or by phone at (346)454-2514. Remember, a clean workout is a successful workout!